Thursday, April 21, 2016

#BackToBasics 4 - This Is What Your Washday Should Look like

If you have read my last post, by now you know that you can't just get into the shower, wash your hair with any shampoo-like thing, vigorously dry your hair with a towel and slap on whatever greasy cream you have on hand.
This week's post is going to breakdown what a proper wash day should look like once you embark on a healthy hair journey.

A proper wash day will consist of:
  • Pre-poo
  • Detangling
  • Shampoo/co wash
  • Protein treatment (optional)
  • Deep moisture treatment
  • Leave-In treatment
  • Style

The pre-poo simply refers to any treatment done before you shampoo your hair.
A pre-poo is meant to prepare the hair for the process of shampooing, conditioning and all such that is meant to come after. It prevents hygral fatigue on your hair strands. [Hygral Fatigue is when the hair shaft swells excessively in the presence of water. This causes the cuticle of the hair to lift which can change the uniformity of that layer and lead to splits in the hair shaft during the drying process]. 


Saturday, April 16, 2016

#BackToBasics 3 - Bad Hair Practices You Need To Stop Now!


Its Friday!!!! For a lot of us girls it's gonna be a hair affair this weekend. From washing to styling to weaving and whatever else we normally do.

What is it you do to make your hair look good? How supportive are those practices of healthy hair. Today's blog post will be putting a spotlight on most of those things that you should'nt be doing if you are gonna have healthy hair.
Natural hair is not stubborn hair. You hair is only hard and umnannageable because you do not take care of it.
I hope you learn something new today. leego!


Too Frequent Manipulation
Image result for combing natural hairAll those lovely hairstyles on YouTube. You want to try them all. So everyday you are combing out your hair and twisting your strands all around trying to achieve that perfect style. Worse still you are using a blow dryer or a flat iron everyday trying to blend your hair with your weave, risking heat damage
You notice hair on your comb, hair on your dresser, on your shoulders. Hair that would have stayed on your head if you hadn't forced them to break with your constant styling and manipulation

You should that your hair like a delicate cashmere sweater. Your hair strands were not made to thrive through too frequent manipulation.
Image result for combing natural hairYour hair should be put in protective / low manipulation styles (more on this later) for at least 3 days a week. Low manipulation styles refer to styles that you can put your hair in to reduce handling for some number of days. It means that during this time you will be doing mostly nothing to your hair.
This ensures that you retain every inch you grow and also prevent split hairs and damaged strands.

I hear you asking "how can hair be manageable without combing or flat ironing your hair?" I will treat that in further posts


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

#BackToBasics 2 - So you Want Healthy hair? First Steps.

Hello Fro Friends,

So natural is the fad now. I dunno when or why or how it suddenly became one, but like eight out of every ten females on the streets now are prolly rocking  a TWA beneath all that Peruvian or Brazilian weave.

Why did you go natural? Or why are you contemplating natural? for whatever reason you did, you are here now, and most likely clueless. We are here to fix that.
Some folks actually don't wanna go natural, but they want healthy hair. Healthy hair cuts across all hair types and can be achieved despite whatever state your hair is in.

Now the first thing you oughtta know is that having healthy hair will cost you.
It will cost you time, money (pretend you didn't see that), resources, energy and maybe even some weekend fun time just because its 'hair day".(its okay to cry about that) . I'm not here to scare you, but it will be unfair not to let you know ahead. However the results are so worth it.

I really dont understand why people start out with "I can't........." Please stop!!!! if you cant get yourself to think that you can then its okay to exit now. No "Cant" allowed here. You can. Anyone can.
Yes everybody will have different results based on different factors like I stated in my last post. However, having healthy, long ,bouncy hair is totally achievable despite whatever those limiting factors are. It may take you a longer time to get there than even your own sister. But you will get there. All you need do is TRY! and then some more.

So enough blabbing and down to the business. How do you achieve a state where your hair can be referred to as "healthy". Below are basic steps.


Monday, April 11, 2016

#BackToBasics 1 - Why Your Hair Is Not Growing

Hey Fro Friends.

Lets talk about hair and growth.
The first thing a lot of people complain about is "My hair isn't growing. Iv'e done this and this and that and it seems not to be gaining any length".

No less true words have ever been said. If your hair isn't growing then you will have been completely bald by now. Hair grows! about an half an inch to an inch per month. The rate at which your hair grows depends largely on a lot of things

 - Genes
 - State of health
 - Mental state
 - Environmental factors e.g. weather

But in whatever condition you are and at whatever rate, your hair still grows.
So why aren't you seeing any increase in length? Your hair isn't growing because it is breaking off either at the same rate or at a faster rate than which it is growing.



Hello Fro friends!

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

This blog is to give straight to the point details about natural hair in the simplest ways possible.
Hair care is something I like to call "simple sophistication". Its simple. You now what to do. You know what your hair needs. "oh I need softer hair. I need fuller edges. I need to kick-start my hair growth. I'm trying to get fuller hair" The sophistication is in knowing what to do, how to do it, with what, with as little trial and error as possible. After all ain't nobody got money to waste.

Sit back, relax and let me show you about this journey. We are in for fun!!!

leave comments and questions down below as you go. I will help as much as I can.

Peace. Love. Healthy fros'