Tuesday, April 12, 2016

#BackToBasics 2 - So you Want Healthy hair? First Steps.

Hello Fro Friends,

So natural is the fad now. I dunno when or why or how it suddenly became one, but like eight out of every ten females on the streets now are prolly rocking  a TWA beneath all that Peruvian or Brazilian weave.

Why did you go natural? Or why are you contemplating natural? for whatever reason you did, you are here now, and most likely clueless. We are here to fix that.
Some folks actually don't wanna go natural, but they want healthy hair. Healthy hair cuts across all hair types and can be achieved despite whatever state your hair is in.

Now the first thing you oughtta know is that having healthy hair will cost you.
It will cost you time, money (pretend you didn't see that), resources, energy and maybe even some weekend fun time just because its 'hair day".(its okay to cry about that) . I'm not here to scare you, but it will be unfair not to let you know ahead. However the results are so worth it.

I really dont understand why people start out with "I can't........." Please stop!!!! if you cant get yourself to think that you can then its okay to exit now. No "Cant" allowed here. You can. Anyone can.
Yes everybody will have different results based on different factors like I stated in my last post. However, having healthy, long ,bouncy hair is totally achievable despite whatever those limiting factors are. It may take you a longer time to get there than even your own sister. But you will get there. All you need do is TRY! and then some more.

So enough blabbing and down to the business. How do you achieve a state where your hair can be referred to as "healthy". Below are basic steps.



Go for it and go all out. Set realistic goals for yourself about what you want you hair to look like an werk for it.

Its okay to want waist-length hair but let me be honest with you. Some of us will never have waist length hair. And no, this is not me being pessimistic. This is me being realistic. It is possible but it may never happen for some people.
So how about you set realistic goals like armpit-length hair or mid-back length or bra-strap length (and all that hair jargon you've maybe never heard before) and then we smash those realistic goals before moving unto bigger goals.

I have to tell you this. achieving healthy hair is a continuous process. You cannot go on for two weeks and then go slack for one month. You have to keep up with your routine or regimen. Yes its okay to switch up for whatever reason. I have switched up a lot of times. But you have to find what works and stick to it.

A regimen is kinda like an MOP. like a course or a system of doing something. Don't mind that it sounds so serious......well, maybe it is! *shrug*
You are going to set down a method of things you do on weekly, monthly and daily basis and then use that to work towards your goals.
Now a lot of things will determine what your regimen looks like.

  •  Your budget
  •  How much time you have on your hands
  •  Your hair type. No two people have the same regimen cos everyone's hair type and needs is different form the next person's
  •  Where you are coming from. Are you already natural? Still relaxed? transitioning? Big chopped? etc
  • Your environment. Are you  a traveler? Are you in a humid environment? Are you in dry season or in the winter? In other words you will most likely be switching up your regimen based on where you are.

Im sure this sounds confusing but I will help you out with a regimen builder and in further posts to make things less confusing.

Some of y'all will have to throw out the products you already have.. ....Eyssss! All that soulmate hair cream? it wont fly here. (We will find out why)

Like I earlier said, healthy hair care will cost you some cash. A set of quality products won't come cheap but its okay to get them in bits. The products you use go a long way to helping you reach your healthy hair goals.

Some people will be okay with doing the big chop. Cutting off all of your hair and starting all over again ( its just hair, it will grow. Hehe).
Some people will like to transition to a stage they are comfortable with before cutting off the damaged hair. That's fine too
Whatever stage you are, decide where you will like to start before you begin to save you waste of energy and products.
For those of you that will like to consult the men in your lives before shaving your head, now is the time

I think iv'e listed all the basics on this topic. I'd stop here so that I don't turn this into some long and boring epistle.
our next post will be on "BAD HAIR PRACTICES YOU HAVE HAVE TO STOP NOW!". Stay tuned!

Peace. Love. Healthy Fro'

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